Rebecca Freedman

User Experience and Interface Designer

Crafting end-to-end design solutions that make life easier? That’s my bread and butter.

iOS widget
Cultural pilot



Cultural pilot for the Murray-Darling Basin Water Information Portal (MDBWIP)
Oct 2023 to Jan 2024

A responsive, external-facing website application for Australian water and land management agencies, agribusinesses and catchment communities.

Visit the Gwydir, NSW Border Rivers or the Victorian Murray catchment to view this project on the MDBWIP site.

Bureau of Meteorology
© All copyright applies 
BriefDesign a page to present cultural information about the Gwydir catchment that provides a platform for educational content about First Nations ongoing and historic connection to water and land, acting as a template for future reuse in other catchments.
Briefing First Nations community engagement Recommendations Design development and refinement Stakeholder engagement First Nations community engagement UI implementation and revisions during build User Acceptance Testing Final revisions Stakeholder and cultural content approval Release

OutcomeA cultural information page that provides a space for First Nations-authored audio and written content that promotes truth-telling, education and specific cultural connections to land and water. 

Images of culturally significant sites, storages and river gauges taken during cultural visits to catchment locations led by local Indigenous elders and community members.

© Copyright applies to all images individually. 
Source credits for each image appear on the MDBWIP website.